
Kristi Yamaguchi

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Kristi Yamaguchi: Skating Legend Kristi Yamaguchi is a legend on ice. Kristi can make triple jumps and twirls look like a breeze. Her feet, the ones that have skated her from award to award, were not always as efficient as they are now. Kristi Tsuya Yamaguchi suffered as a young child from what is known as clubfoot (Disabled World). Congenital talipes equinovarus, or clubfoot is an idiopathic deformity of newborn feet present at birth. A rare deformity with less than 200,000 babies, per year, are diagnosed with it in the U.S.A. (Blue Sky). The affected foot or feet usually are twisted downward and curled inward forming the shape of a golf club, hence the name. The child or adult left with dealing with the deformity would naturally experience …show more content…

In addition, there is a risk of Arthritis if the deformity is left untreated for a given reason, but that is rarely the case. Not only are there physical effects but emotional effects. The child may experience a lack of self esteem especially during adolescence which could end in frustration and maybe depression. Walking adjustments such as casts or special shoes have a positive and a negative effect. Large sores or calluses have a tendency to develop with the abnormal walking pattern. In result this would give the child or adult an awkward walk (Mayo Clinic). Types of clubfoot very between three categories: idiopathic, positional, and syndrome. Idiopathic clubfoot can very from a vast majority of cases but most of which are relatively unknown. The child’s foot or feet affected by idiopathic clubfoot are rigid or stiff hence making them harder to fix and manipulate. Secondly there comes Positional clubfoot, which is caused by the baby's prenatal position within the womb. Positional is easier to manipulate and can be fixed by hand. Syndrome clubfoot, is part of a larger syndrome and is especially difficult to treat. Even with treatment …show more content…

Both of Kristi’s feet were affected with clubfoot, her toes were curled under and her feet twisted sideways (Yamaguchi 6). Kristi at the time was too young, as are most victims to experience the full symptoms of clubfoot. Even so, there are some people within the world who have to live with the disability. Which, in no doubt, is frustrating and

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