
Lab Report

Decent Essays

Purpose: is to determine the unknown bacteria with a variety of biochemical tests.
There are many reasons that contribute to why it is so important to test patients for both high and low risks diseases. The most important reason would be to know the identity of microorganism and how it can be treated .This study was performed in microbiology laboratory class by applying the microorganism to the tests that have been performed in the class prior to the identification of the unknown.
First, the lab professor handed out a bacteria that was on the unknown streak plate labeled B5 that consisted of an unknown gram positive or gram negative bacteria. A sterile technique was performed by the lab manual instructions which is stated in the references. …show more content…

The gram stain test the most efficient and important test in microbiology (Smith & Hussey, 2013). This test is always the first test to start in microbiology to differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The gram positive bacteria would turn purple and gram negative would turn reddish/ pink after staining with the crystal violet, iodine, ethanol, and safranin (Leboffe & Pierce, Microbiology Laboratory Theory & Application (Brief Edition), 2011). Although the gram stain proved one part of the unknown a second test was perform on a slide for the KOH test. This test is a quicker way to determine if the bacteria is gram negative or gram positive. If it is a positive test it will break down the cell wall of the gram negative bacteria which causes the test to be mucous- like. If it was gram positive the KOH could not break the cell wall and it would be watery. The KOH test is a bit unique because it is the primary screening tool to detect fungi but will not tell the specific fungus that is present (Chemistry, 2014). There other tests that can be performed to determine the unknown such as the lipase test. This test is performed on patients who may have pancreatitis or a pancreatic …show more content…

The Methyl Red test alone indicates if the bacteria can perform a mixed- acid fermentation because some bacteria can produce enough stable acid end products to overcome the buffering system and lower the pH (Leboffe & Pierce, Methyl Red and Voges Proskauer (MRVP) Broth, 1996, p. 55). The MR test is done by adding three drops of methyl red solution and immediately a copper color or which indicates it was negative and does not have a mixed- acid fermentation or turns red for positive mixed fermentation. Next is the Voges Proskauer test (VP) which indicates if the bacteria further metabolize the acids to less acidic products such as acetonin and 2, 3 butanediol . This substances are always found together because they are indicators of one another. The VP reagents A and B are added and then mixed to see if the bacteria can oxidize the substance acetonin to diacetyl. If this substance further reacts to the bacteria then a red color will form at the top which will make the test positive if it stays a copper color then the test is negative. This test takes the longest because the process it has to go through. This test is recorded every ten minutes to see if there was any change up to an hour. The next test that was perform was the Phenol Red broth test for both carbohydrates glucose and lactose. Each of the test has a red pH indicator to determine if the fermentation end products and its ability to enzymatically convert the

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