
Lamb To The Slaughter Mood

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A Lamb to the Slaughter, written by Roald Dahl is a psychological horror. The short story is set in the 1950s, in the Maloney House and a nearby grocery store; based on betrayal, role reversal, gender and marriage. The peaceful, middle-class domestic scene at the start of the story creates a mood of calm. The mood of A Lamb to the Slaughter changes dramatically as the story progresses. The Story begins with Mary Maloney, who is heavily pregnant and happy in her marriage, eagerly waits for her husband, Patrick, a police detective to come home from work. It is a Thursday night, and usually, they eat out. When Patrick returns home, he seems to be moody and takes a stronger drink than usual. Mary tries to divert him by asking him for dinner. However, Patrick brushes of her efforts and he makes Mary sit as he has something to tell her. While a frightened Mary scrutinizes him, Patrick tells her that he is going divorce her. Mary, in disbelief decides to act as if nothing has happened and fetches a frozen leg of lamb from the refrigerator to prepare their dinner. When Patrick stops her again, not to bother …show more content…

She puts the meat in the over in order to erase the evidence and practices her expression and voice. Then she goes out to a nearby store and chats with Sam, the grocer, about what she needs to buy for her husband's dinner, to use that as a protection for her and show that she is not the murderer. On her way home, she purposefully acts everything to be normal and then is "shocked" to discover Patrick's body lying on the floor, however, her tears were real. She calls the police, and two policemen, who were friends and colleagues of Patrick. Mary maintains her act and claims that she went to the store and when she returned she saw her husband's body lying on the floor. As other detectives arrive and ask her questions, her chat with Sam, the grocer is revealed to be her alibi and she is able to elude suspicion against

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