
Laws Of Abortion Research Paper

Decent Essays

Laws of abortion for minors in the United States
Nearly 50% of teenage parents had never told their parents that they were sexually active until they were pregnant or had a significant other that became pregnant. (Planned Parenthood Federation of America) Many teens don’t want to tell their parents or ask for help with sexual issues they’re having an with education systems not properly educating students, many adults and teenagers are unaware of risks and issues that can come up later in life. With funding for planned parenthood going down it is becoming increasingly important to support and educate teenagers and minors in general about abortion and teenage pregnancy. “Everyone is doing it” Is a saying that is heard over and over, and if …show more content…

Unwanted pregnancies can cause many issues, such as financial and health problems, as always there is the option of aborting the child. Finding an abortion clinic willing to help however is challenging due to the varying laws of abortion, specifically the difference is laws from state to state. 37 out of 50 United states require parental involvement of some sort, 21 of those 37 states require at least one parent to give consent, 11 of the 37 require that at least one parent is notified, 5 of the 37 states require both parents to be notified and at least one to give consent, 1 of those 5 require that both parents to give consent. Of the remaining 18 states, 8 require a doctor's permission and 10 use the “clear and convincing reasoning” rule. According to the GuttMacher institute (2015 statistic) With this many laws in place and endless exceptions to them by the time you get approved to have an abortion it may be too late to have a legal …show more content…

One of a few reasons that having a choice can cause issues is the age of consent, the age of consent varies from state to state, many schools and places of education don’t offer education on sexual health and ages of consent, which leaves the decision up to the teenager. Leaving the decision up to the mother of the baby can cause problems- if an individual has decided to be sexually active that should mean that they have come to terms with potential consequences such as potential pregnancy and std’s, but since many teenagers are uneducated they don’t know exactly what could happen, Say a teenage girl was not educated but still made the decision to be sexually active and is now paying the consequences, she’s pregnant and has very little background education on what can happen if she keeps of if she aborts the baby. If she decides to keep the baby she may not have the ability support the baby financially. Planned parenthood centers offer help, but if abortions become obsolete then planned parenthood centers will become few and far between- making it harder to get help many people need and increasing the frequency of unsafe abortions. Especially in the case of minors looking for abortions, in states that do not require parental consent or parental notification of the abortion the individual may not tell their guardian which may result in financial problems and unsafe

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