
Leading Congenital Disability In Children

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Hearing impairments are the leading congenital disability in children, each year in the United States, more than 5000 babies are born with documented hearing loss. When you meet someone with a hearing impairment, it means that they have lost some hearing in one or both ears, hearing loss can happen suddenly or slowly over time. They are also described according to how much hearing has been lost, which is usually explained as: mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Although mild and moderate hearing loss can be overlooked because of the perception that it is not a serious condition, they could experience many obstacles such as: the ability to hear soft to moderately loud noise, difficulty understanding speech wherever there is background noise, …show more content…

These children often mishear and mispronounce words and have difficulties reading and learning. For example, a child may seem to lack interest in storytelling or other activities that require listening and have a vocabulary lower than typical for their age, which also may seem like they are inattentive but could instead be symptoms of a hearing impairment if observed closely. Also children with hearing impairments may have problems with concentrating, which could cause tiredness and frustration that affects their behavior and often prefer to play alone. Additionally, you may notice they tend to say “what did you say” more or want the volume higher for music or television than others, they do not hear background noises and they could miss as much as half of what is being communicated, therefore they will have trouble responding to a teacher in large group situations. This child often fails to turn head or eyes in the direction of …show more content…

The purpose of it is to amplify and magnify all sounds, it will not perfect a child’s hearing, given most are only useful within 10 feet but hearing aids will amplify close sounds and make them hear better than before. Some children may have Y-shaped hearing aids that are worn over their chests which contains only one hearing aid with tubes going to both ears. Besides hearing aids, there are other options such as captioning because many television programs, videos, and DVDs are/can be captioned. Other options could include working with professionals who can help a child and family learn to communicate, visual guides such as pictures instead of words or flashing and vibrating alarms. Moderate hearing impairments usually do not qualify for a cochlear implant and it is impossible to fix with surgery. The most effective treatments is achieved through early intervention, early diagnosis, early fitting of hearing aids, and an early start on special education programs that can help maximize a child’s

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