
Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

Decent Essays

Zuri Wells Magan Davis PHIL 103 5/2/2015 Letter from Birmingham Jail: That Is "UNJUST" Introduction In 1963, Martin Luther King was confined in Birmingham because of his participation in protesting. During this time, there was segregation which enjoined African Americans from utilizing particular areas or any type of accommodations in all. King wrote a letter in replication to the eight white clergymen that reprehended King 's actions. In the "Letter from Birmingham jail," King bulwarks the lawfulness of protesting, transgressing the law in nonviolent demonstrations against segregation and racism. The major premise of this argument is that all laws that devalue the human disposition are inequitable. The white clergymen who conveyed objection to King 's actions felt that his actions transgressed the law and caused chaos. King argues that the laws of the segregated south are inequitable and should not be accepted or followed. King breaks the difference between God 's laws and discriminatory man-made laws that oppress the Black race and how he is obligated to fight against those types of laws. The more diminutive premises here are that the laws of segregation devalue the ebony man/woman character. Analysis of the Argument King includes deductive reasoning inside of his letter because his major and minor points are bulwarking the reprove the clergymen accused him of. He also includes some part parts of inductive reasoning in

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