
Life Of Pi Expository Essay

Decent Essays

To discover is to progress, experience and to transform. As one encounters discovery, an individual may encounter a transformative experience that most certainly can lead to new perceptions of others and ourselves. These ideas portrayed about how discoveries are transformative, is effectively exemplified in the poem “ The Road not taken” by Robert Frost. Which conveys how discoveries can push one into a wider world full of possibilities, which may transform one immensely introducing new perceptions of them selves and others. This concept is also shown in Ang lee’s film ‘Life of Pi’. Through the main protagonist of Pi Patel and the experiences he is faced with which transformed him significantly in a way that brought about new perceptions of …show more content…

This concept is portrayed in the scene where Pi discovers carnivorous island. ‘Don't you see, the island was carnivorous’? The extreme close up of the tooth symbolically represents the island itself. The appealing nature of the bud represents the luscious life-giving Island during the day, however the rotten tooth symbolises the carnivorous nature of the island during the nighttime. The toxicness of the island, forces Pi to continue his discovery for salvation in order to live with humanity, due to the fatal repercussions of a life lived without humanity. Which conveys how through discoveries ramifications most certainly arise which as a result alters ones perceptions of themselves and their surroundings in order to survive which aims to transform one for the better.

Likewise this concept is significantly portrayed in the road not taken, demonstrated in ‘the lines “ I shall be telling this with a sigh” the first person narration indicates a change in tone, displaying a sense of regret in which discoveries can introduce as a result of ones choices in embarking a discovery in which shifts ones perceptions on themselves and the wider world hence transforming them. Therefore how through discoveries individuals encounter impacts, which may transform one shifting their perceptions on themselves and

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