
Literature Review Of Cyber Bullying

Decent Essays

The following literature review is all about how cyber bullying affects the life of the ones who got bullied, the chances of committing suicide among the victims and the laws in several states regarding cyber bullying.

According to Erik Manriquez (University of Texas at El Paso) “Cyber bullying is very similar to traditional bullying. Cyber bullying involves more emotional and psychological harm. Cyber bullying can also lead to violence, if the cyber bully decides to physically attack their victim. Cyber bullying has a broader audience; anyone in the world can see the hateful messages left by a bully. Cyber bullying can involve social networking sites, text messages, websites, and emails. Humiliating messages and videos can spread fast and cause more harm. There have been several killings and suicides due to cyber bullying. The most effective method of prevention is education and awareness of cyber bullying. Several states have different laws …show more content…

At any given time of day, anyone can access an abundant amount of information at the click of a button. Men, women, kids, teenagers, adults and even the elderly are learning how to use the internet to their advantage. Among all the benefits the internet has provided to us, online communication has proven to be the most beneficial. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace have made it easy for everyone to stay in contact with each other. Regardless of how far apart a family member or friend is, everyone is just one click away. If someone is not having a good day, they can share their feelings with everyone in a matter of seconds. These social networking sites have become quite popular among adolescents. They allow teens to stay more connected with their friends outside of school. Now teens have become more obsessed with their friends Facebook or Twitter status than engaging in outdoor activities like football or

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