
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Lord Of The Flies
In the book Lord Of The Flies, William Golding delivers an idea for the man’s potential of evil. Golding repeatedly gives multiple ideas and objects that symbolizes the order such as; The Conch, The Signal Fire, and the Civilization between groups. All people are capable of showing their evil, however Ralph gives ways of order to make the man’s potential for evil less likely.
To begin, The Conch was related to Ralph. At the very beginning of the book, all of the kids get together and hold a meeting. In the meeting, a decision was made on who the kids believed would be the best leader; Ralph. First, Ralph states; “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking.” While Ralph is leader, he shows that he would like there to be order. There would be no blurting out, but organization in even the simplest talks inside the meetings. Having organization lets everybody on the island have their say no matter what, leading less to argue about. In addition, Ralph explains: “He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It’s ever so valuable--.” Ralph explaining that when he used it when he was little it meant that he wanted his mum. This shows that every time that Ralph blows The Conch, it is symbolizing order and everybody must join for a meeting to be held with one another. When there was a dispute between the boys a meeting occurs to solve the issue. Ralph tries to keep the civilization organized by having a lot of order to keep

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