
Malala Yousafzai Legacy

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Throughout the span of the human race, many people and organization have stood up for the right of others. Some scientists raced against time to produce vaccines that saved millions if not billions of lives. On the other hand, many speakers traveled across the globe to promote individual’s freedom and rights. In wartime, more people regardless of their backgrounds worked tirelessly to save lives of many individuals who faced genocide. Undoubtedly, history has foretold that at any moment in time, people are working tremendously so that other people may have a better world to live. Regarding education, Malala Yousafzai, known as Malala, has put all her efforts in promoting education to every child living on earth. She was a target of an insurgent group, but now she is the savior of many children. Thanks to her works, many children now have an education which they have never once dreamed they would have. Her moral courage will be a legacy that she leaves for humans. Raised in an educated family, Malala soon showed her fond for education. Her father worked extensively to promote education in her home town. He successfully built a school that could raise more than 1000 children. Those children did not go to school for knowledge; they went to change their life. They did not want to stay inside their comfort …show more content…

She is a model for everyone, but for me, she is I in the future. I am not in the same situation as she, but I still can hold power to change people’s live. I feel the sense of responsibilities for the illiteracy of many children because of disease, famine, or only a lack of basic needs. As soon as I can, I will bring those children the necessities for education: a pen and a book. In my opinion, if Malala can build a school to educate, I can build a community that will continually provide her schools with all she needs so that children do not have to quit classes and find happiness in a future educated

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