
Male Company President : I 'm Sorry At All The Mothers I Worked With By Kathrine Zaleski

Decent Essays

Intro Do women belong in the workplace? Should employers treat them differently because of their responsibilities in the home? The article “Female Company President: ‘I’m Sorry to all the Mothers I Worked With’” by Kathrine Zaleski, president and co-founder of PowerToFly, argues that women can be both successful mothers and employees if employers take the initiative to accommodate them. She believes that women have the ability and skills to become both valuable employees and involved mothers, but employers need to make adjustments in several common work practices in order to build women up to their full potential. Summary At the beginning of the article, the regretful Zaleski recalls moments in her career in which she judged other women for trying to balance family life and a career. She lists off these memories in order to demonstrate how her opinion on mothers in the workplace changed. After she gave birth to her own daughter she realized that she previously held wrong and harmful attitudes towards female employees with children. This recognition emerged because she felt pressured to choose between a career and raising a child, and she decided that something in society needed to change. Something did change when her friend convinced her to co-found a company that allows women to work at home so that they can raise children and have a career at the same time. Zaleski argues that women should not have to choose between a career and their children, mothers have incentive

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