
Manipulation And Power In George Orwell's 1984

Decent Essays

1984 In the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, Winston Smith is a thirty-nine-year-old man who lives in the city of Oceania. Oceania is controlled by a strict government regime known as the Party in which the leader is Big Brother. Throughout the novel, Winston outwardly conforms while questioning inwardly the morals and existence of the Party and Big Brother. However, Winston’s unsuccessful questioning and attempt to overthrow the Party and Big Brother symbolize the collapse of mankind at the hands of Socialism. The manipulation and control that the Party has over its citizens throughout the novel is a subtle way for George Orwell to tell the readers that one day the world he created could become a reality. The city of Oceania is controlled by the Party and Big Brother. This government has manipulated its citizens through the use of telescreens and microphones implanted in the homes of citizens and around the town. Due to the strong manipulation and power that the Party holds, it is quite easy to control the minds and to take over the lives of the people of Oceania. However, Winston Smith’s mind is not so easy to claim. Due to his older age, Winston remembers the past that no one else seems to recall and the past in which the Party wants to erase. Winston remembers the language before Newspeak and Doublethink, and random facts such as the person who built the first airplane. The Party has erased this past in order to make the people of Oceania believe that they are the

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