
Marketing Plan and Strategy Essay

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Marketing Plan and Strategy

1.0 Executive Summary

The proposals that we are going to depose are a planning of continuous action in order to confront the challenges, which BT confronts. The most important factor is considered to be the fact that the marketing environment changed rapidly after the deregulation of the telephone industry. Up to then BT was operating as a monopoly, ignoring the competition and ways to face it.
Our intention is to achieve the already given targets and also prepare BT for an opening to new horizons. In addition, in order to face the fast changing environment we have to introduce within the companies activities like cross selling and e-marketing.
A new era is at about to start, …show more content…

The code name we gave to our project is ¡¥Low Bap¡¦: the sound of boots of an army when is marching in the battlefield. With this name we compare the business corporations of the present with the huge armies of the past. In this way, we could consider BT as a big army of the past, which has to be kept in a continuous march so as to meet our targets both in short and long-term. Regarding the number of the consumers that are involved and the size of funds, which are going to be used, BT¡¦s strategy will be an example that may have both a positive or negative effect to the Global business field in the future. It is up to us to build BT¡¦s fame as an innovative strategic planner or another bureaucratic plodding giant.

3.0 Situation Analysis.
Before giving our proposals and suggestions, we are going to highlight the key aspects we observed when we were analysing the current situation. These can be mentioned as the most important factors that determine our strategy and their presentation will help you to comprehend the status quo as we estimated it from our own experience.

3.1 Market Summary.
The market in which we are going to be activated is defined from the borders of the UK. However, Britain is considered to be one of the most developed countries in the world, so it is really difficult to study examples of other

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