
Essay about Matewan

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Matewan In the film, Matewan, director John Sayles paints a 1920’s picture of a small, West Virginia coal-mining town. Over the course of the film, this seemingly American Township reveals itself as the site of feudal hardship for its citizens. The Stone Mountain Coal Company was the sole employer in Matewan. The company’s laborers struggled for autonomy and for freedom from the company’s grasp. The ideal method for this achieving such autonomy was organization of a union. This idea of union struck a cord with the company, and the conflict between employer and employee soon escalated into a battle. The laborers began to realize, in certain terms, that the Stone Mountain Coal Company is not simply a corporation but a …show more content…

Next, the power gained from the mining business also allowed them to monopolize the economy of the entire town. This monopoly enabled them to then control all economic and environmental processes. Because there was no competition from other mining companies or from a diversity of businesses, Stone Mountain held the ultimate power to own all forms of enterprise, including retail and real estate businesses. Stone Mountain controlled the purchases of their employees’ supplies, their food, and their housing. The worker then had to go to their employer for all of their economic needs. Competition is also a necessary factor in capitalism, but no competition could exist in an atmosphere where both the source of income and the outlets for spending that income were so rigidly controlled. The only competition that did exist was competition among local workers and workers brought in from elsewhere for the positions available at the company. In the neo-classical form of economics, there needs to be some form of labor market to keep the employer-worker relationship in check. In Matewan, there was no alternative source of employment for those who did not wish to work at Stone Mountain. Those who were unhappy with wages or working conditions were not free to leave and seek employment elsewhere in the town. Their only redress was to go on strike. However, by bringing in scab labor when employees decided to take a

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