
Me Doing What I Gotta Do

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Human Growth and Development Ch. 7 & 8 Study Guide *. During early childhood, on average, girls are smaller and lighter than boys. *. By the end of early childhood, compared to each other, boys have muscle tissue, whereas girls have fatty tissue. *. By repeatedly obtaining brain scans of the same children for up to four years, researchers found that the children’s brains experience undergo dramatic anatomical change between the ages of 3 and 15. *. Researchers have found that in children from 3 to 6 years of age, the most rapid growth takes place in the frontal lobe areas. *. Experts recommend that young children get 11 to13 hours of a sleep each night. *. Children can experience a number of sleep problems, …show more content…

*. The ability to control one’s own emotional responses is linked with later: *. Feelings of anxiety and guilt are central to the account of moral development provided by _____ theory. *. According to Freud, to reduce anxiety, avoid punishment, and maintain parental affection, children identify with parents, internalizing their standards of right and wrong, and thus form the: *. _____ is responding to another person’s feelings with an emotion that echoes the other’s feelings. *. From about _____ years of age, children display heteronomous morality. *. _____ involves a sense of one’s own gender, including knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of being male or female. *. Sets of expectations that prescribe how females and males should think, act, and feel are known as: *. Most children know whether one is a girl or boy by about _____ of age. *. Low levels of _____ in the female embryo allow the normal development of female sex organs. *. Gonads are: *. _____ promote the development of female physical sex characteristics. *. _____ promote the development of male physical sex characteristics. *. _____ psychologists propose that men have gradually changed over time to have dispositions that favor competition and risk-taking. *. According to Freud, at which age does the child renounce the sexual attraction he or she feels toward the parent of the opposite sex because of anxious

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