
Meiji Restoration Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Japan first started out as an isolated nation, but soon it would become one of the most powerful countries during WWII. But before Japan was a powerful Nation, it needed to modernize. According to document 1, Japan was isolated from 1635-1853.1853 to 1854.This was when US Commodore Perry visited Japan and forced them to open their ports(document 1, N.d, timeline. As a result of this, the Japanese create the Meiji Restoration.According to document 5, the emperor is given the power to command the Army and the Navy end to rule over Japan, but the citizens too have a house of representatives( Alfred Stead,1904, Doc 5). Why did the Japanese create the Meiji restoration? They decided this because they began to realize that if they did not modernize, and keep up with the world it would …show more content…

When the Japanese modernized they made sure to keep their traditional values. According to document 1, in the timeline, after the Meiji Constitution was adopted, The Sino-Japanese War Began( in which Japan fought the Qing Dynasty over Taiwan and Korea(Doc 1, N.d, line 7). Japan won these territories and benefited from their resources. It wasn’t until 1904 Japan declared another war on Russia to protect and keep Korea for its resources( Alfred Stead, 1904, Doc 9). This was the first time any other country defeated a European imperialist country. Japan benefited from this because it could keep the land it needed to receive resources. In 1940, The Co-Prosperity Sphere plan is recommended according to doc1(doc 1, N.d, line 12). This plan benefited Japan because in their perspective they saw themselves as superior to other countries they have defeated, and so they get this sense of Nationalism. In Document 11 japan stated “It is necessary to cause East Asia to return to its original form of Independence and Co-Prosperity by shaking off the Yoke of Europe and America in the

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