
Mexican American Identity

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Identity is an essential necessity for humans to demonstrate the distinct individual. A person’s identity may take time to develope as the person acquires new interests, influences, and comprehension of the surrounding people. Authors such as Adrienne Rich and Gloria Anzaldua write about the struggles persistent in identity. Rich is identified by her gender and race by other people, while Anzaldua is defined as to what a Mexican American women should be. As a Mexican American, Amelia Mendoza, my best friend, encounters the strains of identity.
In the summer of 2010, Amelia travelled to Mexico and experienced culture shock. The way Mexicans live in the United States is different from the life in Oaxaca, Mexico. She was in a different country where the majority of the population spoke Spanish instead of English. She was not comfortable enough to open her mouth and speak the native tongue of her parents. Amelia stood by her relatives side at all times and did not interact with other people in the area. Communication with other people was handled by Amelia’s father. Amelia noticed houses are not all made from wood, but from adobe and a variety of roof tiles. Trees and animals encompass the majority of the land, leading people to cultivate their food and make a living off of it. Stores are located in a section of a person’s house. Students had uniforms that were: red, green, or white with an emblem to indicate the school they belonged to. Children were allowed to come back from

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