
Microeconomics: Course Analysis

Decent Essays

Microeconomics is one of those subjects that I knew little to anything about before I started. In the course of studying it, I came to appreciate the value it has, not only for describing elements of how the world works, but for the way I could apply it to my everyday life. By the end of the course, I could see the decisions that I was making in microeconomic terms; this actually helped me to make better decisions. I am glad that I was able to take this course and gain this knowledge about decision-making processes.

The economics of how we make our micro-level decisions is a fascinating study. Normally we think of GDP and other macroeconomic subjects as economics, so it is interesting to see the link between microeconomics, macro and the real world decisions we always make. This unique element of economic study takes the familiar economic concept of opportunity cost and shows us how we use it all the time. …show more content…

However, the most interesting part of the course is seeing how decisions are made. For example, ideas like opportunity cost, elasticity of demand and marginal decision-making are all interesting because they illustrate the fundamental levels of decision-making that contribute to the knowledge that we gain when we study subjects like macroeconomics, marketing, finance and even psychology and sociology. Microeconomics seems to me like the building blocks for some of these things, and a complement to others in describing decision-making and human behavior. It is fascinating to consider that these are the direct processes that are being used to decide things like whether we want to buy dessert at the end of a big meal, or the decision to upgrade a rental

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