
Molly Moony Case Study

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Evidence based practice is the foundation of safe and effective patient centered care. In a medical-surgical environment a holistic knowledge, understanding and approach to patient care is crucial. During this essay I will demonstrate my knowledge of these principles through a case study analysis involving a patient named Molly Moony. This analysis will discuss Molly’s injury of a fractured neck of femur, her surgical procedure, the anatomy and physiology of the hip joint, her immediate postoperative care, assessments that should be performed upon returning to the ward and her ongoing care and discharge planning.
Anatomy and Physiology of The Hip Joint
Molly Moony has fallen in her home resulting in a fractured neck of femur. The neck of femur is one of the main components found within the hip joint, and as it will be made apparent, Molly’s age, mobility and current conditions can impact the normal structure, function and healing process of her …show more content…

The outermost layer is a membrane called periosteum, a fibrous connective tissue responsible for protection, connected to fibers called Sharpey’s (perforating) fibers linking to the bone (Marieb, 2012). The external surface at the end of the bone is covered with articular cartilage, reducing joint friction (Marieb, 2012). Within the bone is a thin layer of compact bone called epiphyses, encompassing spongy bone and yellow marrow (Marieb, 2012). Bones possess five important functions including, support, protection, movement, storage and blood cell formation (Marieb, 2012). Bones protect and support the body by acting as a rigid framework surrounding delicate organs and tolerating enormous pressure when weight bearing and moving (Marieb, 2012). Bones are also responsible for storing fat, minerals and producing blood cells (hematopoiesis) within the cavities of bone marrow (McCance & Huether, 2014) (Marieb,

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