
Movie Analysis : The Fighter

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When it comes to the film industry, entertainment is the tool used to acquire what is desired, money. The main goal for filmmakers when they create a film is to attain money in addition to the money spent to make the movie. Therefore, in some films that they like to base off of true accounts, it is somewhat necessary to dramatize or embellish the story to really tug at the heartstrings of the films audience. They achieve this goal by the use of dramatic music, ambient lighting, and a small amount of tweaked diction. The Fighter is an excellent example of this dramatization in action because throughout the film the characters are faced with a multitude of decisions that must be made. The choices they make require the characters to choose …show more content…

In the depiction of Dicky Eklund, David Russell was indeed accurate, even in Dicky’s eyes. Dicky worked with Christian Bale on and off of the set of the film in order to fine tune Bale 's boxing to better represent the depiction of Dicky’s style. Dicky also coached Bale in “Dickynese”, which is the unique diction Dicky uses when speaking in the movie according to Men’s Journal. The only aspect of Dicky Eklund that Russell seemed to leave out was Dicky’s sobriety. At the end of the film we see the short notes of what and how the characters in the film are doing after the movie. It is mentioned that “Dicky maintains his status as a local legend. He trains boxers at his brothers gym”(The Fighter). What the director failed to leave the audience off with is the fact that Dicky returned to his addiction to crack roughly five years after his release from prison.
Along with his characters accurate depiction, the film also depicted things such as Dicky’s actions quite accurately. The scene in which Dicky got busted for running a fake prostitution game occurred similarly to the way it did in the true account. Dicky would work with a prostitute who would be picked up by a buyer looking for a “good time”, then Dicky would speed up behind them with his high beams on blinding the buyer, and pretending he was a cop. He would then rob his scared victim. The victim would not resist thinking he was being detained by the police.
When it comes to Micky Ward himself there was one main

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