
Mr. Pigman's Death Of A Salesman

Satisfactory Essays

John and Lorraine are best friends. They both go to Franklin High. One day John was thinking, “we need some money” he told Lorraine. So John came up with an idea to get some money. Lorraine didn't wanna go through with it, but John made her. So they came across an old man named Mr. Pignati. They told Mr.Pignati that they are business people selling supplies for the L&J fund. Mr. Pignati told them to come over the next day to colect the 10 dollars. They went over right after school and sat and talked to the old man for a little. He had asked Lorraine and John to go to the zoo with him the next day, and they thought that would be the perfect way to pay him back. They went to the zoo and the Pigman started to buy them everything. Then they meet

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