
Music Censorship is a Violation of Free Speech Essay

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Music is one of the most popular ways of expression and has been for generations. It makes us want to dance, inspires, soothes, relaxes, and sometimes tells us a story. Music is something the whole world shares and has brought together different kinds of people. However, there has been a question on whether some music has affected society negatively and crossed the line with some of its lyrics, content, and the persona of the artists. Certain music has been boycotted and even banned in the U.S. Pro-censorship supporters say that music is something that can deeply affect our society especially children who should not have to be subjected to things like violence, sex, drugs, or hate. However, being that music is a form of expression, …show more content…

Magazines can do the same things and on the Internet, you are allowed to post almost anything you want. Yet you rarely find any restrictions on these forms of expressions. Books can depict things like drugs, sex, violence, hate, and have swear words, yet books are not banned in stores or censored. To me, music is the same thing as a book. Artists have the same right as an author to sing what they want and not have to suffer by having their material disallowed. The Rolling Stones released a song, ?Can?t Get No Satisfaction,? which was never played on many stations in the early 1970?s because it depicted sexual actions, yet at the same time there were magazines like Playboy and books that could have been about sex that did not receive the same attention. Music is like any book because it can talk about any subject in any way they want, which follows the right of freedom of speech. I also raise the question concerning the right to organize and have parades. Artists are being banned and led into oblivion because of swear words yet we see Neo Nazi and KKK parades. They go around holding posters with slurs and insults and screaming offensive things. Yet, these things happen often and nothing is done to try to stop them or ban them. The reason is because they have the right to do this which is stated in the Constitution have the right to express what they want without being persecuted or punished. If these events are allowed to happen then why

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