
Music Concert Review Essay

Decent Essays

October 28th was the day of the Latin Music Recital in the Caine Performance Hall. This was only one of many performances that week. Latin is a genre of music that unless I have come across it at other such events I have not heard it otherwise. Thus it is a genre that I had to do some research on in order to better appreciate what I was hearing. This concert was basically split into two parts each part had a main soloist on guitar that was accompanied by other musicians. The concert hall, since this was going to be mainly solo music to begin with, had all of the sound absorbing curtains up so that all would be able to hear the solo guitarist. A main center spot light on stage helped me to know where to focus because I was a little unsure of what to expect from this performance. Based on my observations, most of those around me had no idea what this concert would be like and so it was very quiet as they all seemed to be looking around in …show more content…

After the host welcomed the audience and informed us all about what Latin Week on campus was about and what the events were he invited on stage the first performer after which he, the host, promptly left the stage. The room was deathly quiet as we waited for the solo guitarist to tune her instrument. The guitar soloist was on stage and performed roughly six or eight pieces, none of which were announced by title. At the conclusion of those six or eight pieces the guitarist then introduced a clarinetist and a flutist who would take turns playing solos with her. The two other players switched on every other piece and played a duet with the guitarist. These pieces like those before were unannounced so I quit looking at the program altogether because I didn’t know any of the pieces for starters and if they weren’t going to be mentioned I decided to just enjoy rather than worry about

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