
My Brother Sam Is Dead Essay Questions

Decent Essays

War Is Not The Answer War is never the answer. People can never get anything out of it because in the end, there is just going to be more chaos. In the book, My Brother Sam Is Dead by James and Christopher Collier, a lot of the hard times for the American Revolution are presented with the Meeker Family. The main characters are Sam and Tim Meeker along with the supporting characters, Mr. and Mrs. Meeker. In My Brother Sam Is Dead, both sides of war are shown, author's Collier and Collier ultimately argue that war is not going to achieve anything.

The way war can affect something is the division in families. In My Brother Sam Is Dead, Father kicks out Sam because he would want him to go to school than go to war with a chance of death. “Go, Sam. Go. Get out of my sight. I can’t bear to look at you anymore with that vile costume. Get out. And don’t come back until you come dressed up as my son, not as a stranger.” (Collier and Collier 21) These were some of the hardest words you can ever here but this is …show more content…

In the book, My Brother Sam Is Dead, Sam is trying to fight for freedom for the patriots. "You don't understand, Father, you just don't understand. If they won't let us free, we have to fight. Why should they get rich off of our taxes back in England? They're 3000 miles away, how can they make laws for us? They have no idea of how things are here." This is a good example because Sam is trying to fight for freedom as a principle but in reality he could not come home and never see his family ever again. The book also shows the beheading of Ned. "The sword flashed in a bright arc, the fastest thing I ever saw move. Ned's head jumped off his body and popped into the air." It's very sad but the principle is that he was going to do die but in reality he is black and the white people don't treat them right. These was a really good example from the book and probably the best for the idea of going against the

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