
My Career Choice Of Surgical Technician

Decent Essays

I have always believed that my success is defined by my happiness. This paper will discuss my personal goals as they apply to my education and career choice of Surgical Technician, as well as some of my strengths and weaknesses that will contribute to my success. At the beginning of the summer I found myself at a crossroad in life. I needed to evaluate what I really wanted to accomplish and why. Should I continue on the same path I was on or take a step in another direction leading to new opportunities? Friends and family kept telling me it is never too late but if I knew if I did not decide now it would only get harder and harder for me. After giving it much thought and discussing my options with my family, I determined that the best choice would be attaining my Associates Degree and move forward with my career choice of Surgical Technician. When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher. I would drive my younger siblings crazy always wanting to play school during our free time. I would set up a mock classroom and come up with my very own lesson plans. I would be the teacher and they would be my students. Being the oldest I have always liked to take control and share my knowledge. I have also always been the nurturing one and the first to help others. I was sure that I had the skills and what it took to become a teacher. After high school my main focus went into finding a full time job to support myself and my family. I started a family early and I tried to take college

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