
My Life Experience

Decent Essays

I’m a young woman who’s trying to get her life together and the process of being successful isn’t easy. I currently attend Nassau community colleges, every day, from Monday-Saturday, and it’s no joke, between waking up in the morning, trying to walk to take the bus terminal, is honestly too much for me to handle; I honestly hate it. Sometimes I honestly get depressed and say to myself “why me “I usually wake up in the morning around 6am and get myself ready then star walking toward the terminal, as a I walk seeing the cars pass by, and some drivers would pass by me and stare and I would get so furious because I have to walk while they’re driving and what truly annoys me is that their taking their time to stare at me walking. I hate public transportation. Driving a car is way better then riding on the bus Traveling by car is definitely a plus the reason that is ,is because, its reliable .last year I remember my cousin had let me borrow her car for a while and my life was easier; I didn’t have to wake up so early like the usual time 5;30 ish 6 o’clock instead I would wake up around 7 and still be on time to school, because I had the car, not only was I able to get to school early I was able to monover around and run my errand much faster such as go to the grocery store ,hang out with some friends before it was time to go to work .However when I didn’t have the car it was back to “reality “and I had to get back into my old routines. Not to be closed minded although a

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