
My Life Experience

Decent Essays

I still remember what happened the night that I thought my life was going to change completely, and I knew it would be a struggle for me both emotionally and academically. That night my parents had gotten into a huge argument of which my dad was hiding something from my mom and his phone and everytime she would bring it up he would get really tense. Yet that night he couldn’t handle it anymore and began to yell at my mom which made me be in shock and scared. I started to panic and had no idea on what to do except to cry and yelling them to please stop. I started to feel pain in my chest and that’s when I realized my anxiety was starting to kick in which was the worst feeling. My mom noticed what was happening to me and stopped yelling and ran up to me to calm me down before my anxiety would get worse. The rest of the night the tension was still felt in the air and, I knew that from that day forward nothing will ever be the same at home, and I wouldn’t be the same person both in school and home. When I had gone to school whatever my teachers were talking about or teaching I was unable to focus. I still did any work that was assigned to me, but it wasn’t all of my effort that I could have put into the assignments because the dark hole was slowly pulling me in deeper to it. I knew that this changed would be something that would take a while t o adapt too put that dark hole wouldn’t continue to drag me in further into it. I decided instead of not doing any progress and just

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