
My Personal Experience : My Experience In My School

Decent Essays

I frequently tell the same story to my friends when we go biking, so often that they know the same details as me. With the hundreds of memories I carry with me, this is the one that is remembered with the most detail. This story is always told with eagerness as it shows a large part of how I was as a kid. In school my least favorite class was always physical education, from the exercise to the games whose rules I never understood it was always a dread having to go there twice a week for an hour and a half, it might not seem like a lot now but at nine years old that seemed like forever. For my class we would always go to gym class before lunch, as we walked down the freshly mopped hallway our teacher told us to be careful, I remember thinking how much I wished to have an accident, because of my loathing for that class. Practically dragging my body, there I was in the gym ready to be humiliated once again for failure to win my team some points. What I saw when I walked in was these perfectly organized bikes with the helmets on its handles, that was the first time in my two years of being in that school that I had seen those bikes off their racks. The coaches said something like “As you might’ve seen on your way to class the weather outside is beautiful, so we’ve decided to let you ride the bikes” as if we hadn’t had perfect weather before. The weather that day had been quite strange, I remember it being quite cold that morning, which was understandable as it was

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