
NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators

Decent Essays

Research and review one major professional association related to the Events or Hospitality industry. What is it all about? What resources does it offer you as a student and a professional? How can you professionally benefit from this organization, or how is this useful? (5 points)

NASPA (formally known as the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) is one of the most premiere professional associations for student affairs professionals in the United States and has members from 25 countries. According to their website, the mission of the organization is “To be the principal source of leadership, scholarship, professional development, and advocacy for student affairs.1”

The organization provides resources to its members …show more content…

How do you plan to start your job search? When? Where will you look for jobs? (5 points)

The areas of my industry that I find the most interesting are areas where I get to work directly with students in a supervisory/advisory capacity. I want to help student develop as professionals, members of society, and leaders. I could see myself as a director of Greek Life or Student Leadership. I know though that the journey in the student affairs field is likely very diverse and no two people follow the same path. So I am excited to see where I go.

I will begin my job search probably in my final year of graduate school. I will be looking primarily online through professional associations, online job posting databases, and networking with my fellow professionals. In regards to the location I will want to find a job either working for a non-profit or working at a larger university, similar in size to Iowa …show more content…

How will you plan to achieve or maintain this balance as you start your new career? (5 points)

A healthy work/life balance to me means that I am meeting my goals and fulfilling my commitments to the people in those realms of my life. For example, if I am able to, in the time and resources I am given, be able to spend time with friends while being able to pay my bills while meeting my objectives at work; that to me is a successful balance.

I good balance, to me, is very important. I plan to do this the same way I have so far in my career, I will manage my time. By accounting my time to the things that matter and prioritizing (similar to what was discussed in the seven habits) I am confidence I can meet my objectives in the different areas of my life while at the same time never stopping my growth and learning.

What are the ways that you plan to keep yourself informed, relevant, and on the cutting-edge in the events or hospitality industry? (5

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