
Natural Selection Vs Knowledge Analysis

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In nature, natural selection, specifically, the survival of the fittest principle, allows species to thrive in their environment by modifying and choosing the best traits so that the species can continue to reproduce. The quote suggests that over time, knowledge changes in order to remain relevant while knowledge that does not change may become useless. How can we trust knowledge if it changes over time? While examining both natural science and mathematics, we will be able to see how both the knowledge within the disciplines are still reliable even though one area of knowledge constantly evolves while the other does not. Mathematics is more reliable as the results stay the same while the process may differ. Natural science may be less reliable because the results may be subject to change.
In the area of natural science, due to the fact that we have not observed everything in the world, knowledge changes. The theories and understandings of natural science seldom change, but new details and information are often added. Knowledge is continually built on older knowledge.If new information contradicts old ideas or if the newer did not fit with all the older data, the new theories would no longer be appropriate. In physics, Bohr's correspondence principle states that new information over quantum mechanics, must still be supported by the rules of …show more content…

Because of this, math is considered a concrete and reliable knowledge. It could also be argued that the concept of math was not created by human; it was discovered. If society changed, wouldn’t math change with it as well? As society evolved, the laws of math would have also evolved. As I advanced from basic addition and subtraction to higher maths such as trigonometry and calculus, what I knew remained constant, only adding more to my knowledge. The higher levels of mathematics are also founded on the basic fundamentals of

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