
Negatives Of Mass Incarceration

Decent Essays

Mass Incarceration: Its Negative Impacts on Ex-Convicts and Economy of Our Country
The number of prisoners in United States prisons has increased and are still growing day-by-day. The Sentencing Project, an organization that fights for a fair and effective U.S. justice system by promoting reforms in sentencing policy, addresses unjust racial disparities and practices in its article “Trends in U.S. Corrections.” They write, “The United States is the world's leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation's prisons and jails — a 500% increase over the last forty years ”(The Sentencing Project 1). According to The Sentencing Project statistics, the number of prisoners has dramatically increased in the past four decades, …show more content…

As Professor Deborah N. Archer and Associate Professor Kele S. Williams from New York Law School state in their article, “Making America ‘The Land of Second Chances’: Restoring Socioeconomic Rights for Ex-Offenders”, write, “Upon being released from prison, ex-offenders face a vast and increasing maze of mandatory exclusions from valuable social programs… These exclusions range from restrictions on the ability to get a driver’s license to a lifetime ban on eligibility for federal welfare” (Archer and Williams 1). Too many ex-prisoners are unable to receive help from government social agencies, which negatively affects them, their children, and also the safety of our communities. The consequences of incarceration not only affect the economy of the United States, but also ex-offenders, their children and safety of our communities. This lack of assistance is unfair and should be addressed and fixed. We can improve the amount of assistance by pushing the government through peaceful rallies and demanding the laws which ban these ex-prisoners from receiving helps from government social

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