
Nsa Spying Through Smart Phones

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NSA Spying Through Smart Phones Smart phones have become a major part of daily life. They allow people all around the world to communicate with each other instantly. Smart phones enable people to access all the information they need in mere seconds using the Internet. Most people go about their days without any worry while using their smart phones. Smart phones have been a tool by the public for many years now, but they have also been used as a tool for something a little more nefarious.
Background on NSA The NSA is the National Security Agency. This is a government agency tasked with monitoring, collecting, and processing information from all around the globe. The NSA uses this information to keep track of the whereabouts of people of interest for the United States, and they use it to determine what action needs to be taken to protect the US. This includes spying on allies of the United States, such as Germany, France, the UK, and other nations around the world. However, they also have been proven to be spying on not only the US’s allies, but also, its own citizens.
How They Have Access The NSA has been performing mass surveillance on United States citizens since as early as 2001. They have teamed up with AT&T and other mass communication companies to have access to phone records and internet traffic to keep an eye on possible terrorist activities (Electronic Frontier Foundation). People use their smart phones every day to talk, send email, and browse the web for

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