
Nursing Is An Excellent Career Choice

Decent Essays

Have you ever been hospitalized? Have you given much thought to the individual that is always there attending to your every need? If your answer is “yes,” you are one of the few individuals that have taken into consideration this important faculty member. Yes, I’m referring to your registered nurse, the individual you see the majority of your stay while in the hospital. Your registered nurse that is a push of a button away, the individual that in reality never receives much acknowledgement. However, he or she is always there with a smile on her or his face, prepared to help at a moment’s notice. Before one chooses a career in nursing, it is always important to know that even though nursing is not for everyone, nursing is one of the most honorable and satisfying professions an individual can pursue. Additionally it gives individuals rewarding financial benefits. Nursing is an excellent career choice, where an individual acquires great gratitude while attending to others necessities. If someone is constantly trying to improve themselves and wanting to be challenged in life, “as nurses, we face tremendous challenges and often see and do things that are extraordinary” (Ulrich xix). By becoming a registered nurse the individual will make a difference. Nursing allows an individual to continuously be benefiting a fellow human being, not only with the patient but with their families as well, having the opportunity to becoming someone especial in the patient’s life. Nursing is a

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