
Obese Children in America: What's the Solution? Essay

Decent Essays

A growing number of children are demonstrating unhealthy eating habits and as a result are becoming obese due to lack of physical activity, nutrition and genetics. Children in today’s society are not motivated to exercise and participate in after school activities. If we were to go back in time 15 to 20 years ago, children were encouraged to explore the outdoors by engaging in activities such as camping, bicycling, walking, running and playing sports. Now, living in the 21st century, technology has taken a major toll on our children health; they are spending more time indoors watching television, playing video, games, surfing the internet and texting on their mobile phones. The addiction to fast foods can be as addictive as heroin and …show more content…

When a child eats a Happy Meal at McDonalds they’re eating 520 calories per meal with a cheeseburger clocking in at 700 calories. Fast foods are convenient, easy and affordable; so fewer families are preparing meals at home. Fast foods are lacking nutritional balance and there is not any control on how it’s cooked, which is usually with a lot of oil and butter. Fast foods tend to lack fresh fruits and vegetables. Children need to know the consequences in eating foods high in calories, fats, sugar and chemicals. Children should avoid cholesterol, saturated fat, high sodium which is harmful to the immune system and can lead to Type II diabetes. It’s been shown that children with obese parents are more likely to become obese. Heredity contributes between 5-25 percent risks of obesity. Other risks can be attributed to the environment and behavior. Obesity is generally linked to over eaten but in most cases its heredity problem children should be careful because genes can also pass to their offspring. The problem cannot be corrected but you can prevent it. Children should be given an appropriate diet and should be deterred from overeating. Child obesity can be predicted at an early stage and children should be aware of the consequences of obesity. Childhood obesity has become an epidemic and a concern to parents and doctors, there are many factors to obesity and many of these factors can be changed through diet and lifestyle

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