
Odysseus: A True Hero

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In the poem The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus, the main character, travels away from his home and finds himself in a situation that prevents him from going back for a long period of time. During the times of trouble, Odysseus reveals characteristics about himself that might otherwise have been hidden if it were not for the journey. This defines his character and shows him to be not an admirable hero. Odysseus first shows this when he successfully escapes from the Cyclops’s home but made a drastic mistake and says: ‘O Cyclops! Would you feast on my companions?
Puny am I, in a cave man’s hands?
How do you like the beating we gave you,
You ------- cannibal? Eater of guests under your roof! Zeus and the gods have paid you!’(Homer ln 432-435 )
This shows the pride that welled up inside of Odysseus that made him shout across the sea before they could escape unscathed. This rash incident made Polyphemus, the Cyclops, enraged all the more, and he threw a mountain top at the sea making the water filled with waves. After the squall, and to make things worse, Polyphemus …show more content…

This can be proven wrong when Odysseus and his son, Telemachus, were in the process of killing the suitors and they said: ‘…Fight your way out, / or run for it, if you think you’ll escape death. / I doubt one man of you skins by’(Homer ln 1469-1471). This explains that Odysseus has rage in his heart and wants revenge on the suitors by killing every last one of them. This trait can be seen as good, but it is not a moral thing to kill whoever does wrong. This shows Odysseus cannot keep his emotions in control and he lashes out whenever it is to much. Even in the episode of the Cyclops, he is unable to keep is pride from antagonizing Polyphemus and that gets him almost killed. Although some character traits might look appealing, the overall moral of Odysseus is not

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