
Odysseus: An Epic Hero

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Odyssey Literary Analysis Essay
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Odysseus is an epic hero who has been on a home journey for twenty years. During his trip home he has visited many lands and been through many trials and challenges. Odysseus boast characteristics of both an epic hero and a thrill seeker.

Odysseus’s has properties of great mental strength that become evident during his journey. Through his encounter with the cyclops it becomes apparent that his possess great mental strength , when the cyclops drinks the wine Odysseus gave him and soon falls asleep, Odysseus tells the the giant that his name is “nobody”, the cyclops believes him. When he calls for help, the other cyclops believe that no one is hurting him and ignore him. This is Odysseus key …show more content…

Odysseus exhibits this loyalty during his trip to the underworld. In the underworld Odysseus meets Elpenor, a former soldier of his that has died. Elpenor request for his body and to have a proper funeral. Odysseus does not ignore his soldier’s request and promises a proper funeral and burial, even though he could refuse. Another way that Odysseus shows loyalty is through his devotion to getting home. He rarely loses sight of his goal to get home and spends most of twenty years trying to achieve the task, showing his …show more content…

The most extreme example of his hubris is when he is when he insist on fighting the Charybdis, a whirlpool that eats ships, and the Scylla a monster with six arms and a head on the end of each arm. Both of these creatures are unkillable and he wants to fight them both at the same time. As a result he loses six men and almost dies. Another example of his hubris is when he and his crew are fleeing the island of the cyclops and Odysseus taunts Polyphemus. The Odysseus is eventually cursed by Poseidon because of his inability to stay

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