
Odysseus An Epic Hero Research Paper

Decent Essays

An epic hero is one who exhibits courage, strength, bravery, intelligence, and a desire to achieve. Odysseus, from "The Odyssey," is a person who perfectly fits the definition of an epic hero. Odysseus has been one of the most frequently portrayed figures in literature. He performs many courageous acts throughout his journeys: He uses his intelligence to overcome obstacles and learns from his mistakes along the way. In this essay I am going to point out how Odysseus personifies an epic hero.

During his journeys he performs many courageous acts. For instance, in the Cyclops Cave, he was courageous when he saved himself and his men from being eaten by the Cyclops. Another instance where he was courageous, was at the island of Lotus Eaters …show more content…

While he is trapped in the cave he has to use his reasoning to come up with ways to escape the Cyclops and get out of the cave with his men. First, he gets Polyphemus intoxicated by alcohol, then he blinds him. He also makes him open up the mouth of the cave while drunk. Another occurrence is when Odysseus and his men had to cross paths with Siren. He had to create a plan to save himself and his men. What he did was he put beeswax in his men's ears so they could not hear the songs of the Sirens. Meanwhile, Odysseus had his men tie him up to the mast of the ship as to not allow Odysseus to die due to the sweet songs of the Sirens. Also another instance that proves his intelligence is when he was on Calypso's Island. He does not tell Calypso he misses his wife because she will be jealous and not help him get back home. Instead he tells her he is homesick for his home. By using his cleverness he knows that she will be more willing to help him get home get home because he's homesick, not missing his wife.

Some people might not consider Odysseus worthy for the title an epic hero, because he cheated on his faithful wife back at home and managed to get all of his men killed. As it says in the story, Odysseus is tricked by many of the Greek gods and goddesses. So even though he made some bad choices, most of the instances were because of the temptation and the trickery from the gods and goddesses. In reality though

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