
Bone Formation Essay

Decent Essays

? During fetal development, the bones of the fetus are composed of cartilaginous tissue it resembles osseous tissue but is more flexible and dense because of the lack of calcium salts in its intercellular spaces .As the embryo develops, the process of depositing calcium salts in the soft, cartilaginous tissue occurs and continues throughout the life on the individual after birth.

2. What are the roles of osteoclasts in bone formation? Osteoclasts are large cells that function to reabsorb, or to digest bone tissue. They digest bone tissue from the inner sides of bones thus enlarging the inner bone cavity so that the bone does not become overly thick and heavy.

3. How does osteoblast assist when recovering from a fractured bone? When a bone breaks osteoblast lay down the mineral bone matter (calcium salts) and osteoclasts removes excess bone debris (smooth out the bone).

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Which bone in the skull has an opening to allow the spinal cord to pass through, and what is the opening called? The Occipital bone forms the back and base of the skull. It joins the parietal and temporal bones, forming a suture. The inferior portion of the occipital bone has an opening called the Foramen Magnum through which the spinal cord passes. 8. The vertebral column consists of 4 different curves, what are they? The 4 different curves are the sacral and thoracic curves are present at birth. The cervical curve develops when an infant holds there head erect. The lumbar curve develops as the infant begins to stand and to learn how to walk.

9. Describe the location of the coccyx. The coccyx is the tailbone, and it is a fused bone, having been formed from four small coccygeal bones.

10. Describe the difference between metacarpals and metatarsal bones. Metacarpals are the bones in the palm of your hand. Metatarsals are the bones of the mid foot, there are five of those bones that are similar to metacarpals and metatarsal they both articulate with the phalanges of the

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