
Paragraph Essay On 'Road To The Revolution'

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Road to the Revolution1st PeriodJamie TaulbeeParagraph 1- Introduction Do you ever wonder how the united states was born? I think that it is really important. The things that we are going to learn about are, Navigation Acts, French and Indian War, Pontiac's Rebellion, Proclamation of 1763, The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, The Townshend Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, and The Intolerable Acts. Read the next paragraph to find out about the Navigation acts.Paragraph 2-The Navigation Acts Do you know about the navigation acts? First, the British's actions was where the british parliament passed a series of Navigation Acts limiting colonial trade by using the system of mercantilism. The colonists had …show more content…

The Stamp Act is where the British placed taxes on Newspapers, Licenses, and colonial paper products. The colonists reacted by a series of resolution. They published stating that the Stamp Act Violates the rights of Colonists. The Stamp Act was repealed by Congress. Paragraph 7- Declaratory ActDo you think the Declaratory Act is important? The Declaratory Act is where Parliament can make laws for the colonies at any point and in all cases. The Colonists start to feel that they are losing all direct control over the colonies. They feel if the British crown believes they are not capable of making their own laws and hearing their own court cases.Paragraph 8- Townsend Act Do you think that we need to be free from british crown? The Townsend Act is where British parliament decides to demand taxes on grassland, paint, etc for the colonies. The Colonists reacted to this by boycotting these items. The Townshend Act was repealed in 1770 because of the tensions as a result of the boston massacre. Paragraph 9- Boston Massacre Have you ever heard about the Boston Massacre? The Boston Massacre was where the colonists taunted and insulted British Soldiers, which leads to a physical incident. …show more content…

Colonists protest and bring the Soldiers to trial. The soldiers were found not guilty with the help of John Adams.Paragraph 10- Boston Tea Party Do you know what happened at the Boston Tea Party? The Boston Tea Party was where the Tea Act was passed, making the tea in britain cheaper then the tea in the colonies, and the colonists are ordered to only purchase Tea From the British East India Company. Colonists protest by dumping shipments of tea into the Boston Harbor. This is what happened at the Boston Tea Party. Paragraph 11- Intolerable ActsThe Intolerable Acts? The Intolerable Acts are where the Boston Harbor is closed until the tea from the Boston Tea Party is paid for, while British Troops are conquered , Massachusetts charters cancelled, Royal officials accused of crimes will be sent back to stand trial, General Thomas Gage became the new governor of massachusetts. Colonists resentment toward Britain builds Colonists to start to consider their options for separating from Great Britain. Yet, they are working out their differences diplomaticly.Paragraph 12 - ConclusionIn conclusion, The conflict in the , “road to the revolution” , is all about the Navigation acts, French and indian war, Pontiac's Rebellion, Proclamation of 1763, The Sugar Act,

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