
Parkinson's Disease

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Do you know someone in your life who is suffering from a disease with no cure, like Parkinson’s disease? Imagine a world where when people got old they didn’t need to worry about Parkinson’s disease, or a world where mothers and fathers didn’t have to live in fear of their child developing Tay-Sachs disease or cystic fibrosis, diseases where their child could die before the age of four. Stem cells that are in our bodies, and that we can take from our bodies can be used to prevent all of this, with proper research. Stem cells are cells that can be taken from the body, and they are the building blocks of the human body. These cells can be turned into any cell in the body, and they would be a perfect match for the person receiving the treatments. …show more content…

Stem cells have been used in the world before to develop vaccines for diseases basically eradicating them. These diseases include small pox, chicken pox, and the MMR vaccine. The development of these vaccines has made it easier to conduct research on synthesizing a cure in diseases that are more complex. The breakthrough research from those cures has furthered our, “...understanding of diabetes, MS, and Parkinson’s disease that offer the potential for new treatments and cures.” (Allum 6) The cures that we have found in the past have helped with research for developing new ones. The more complex diseases would be diseases that affect the brain and the nervous system this could include autism and cerebral palsy. To find new treatments for diseases like this would be a major breakthrough because it would affect more than just the patient, it would also affect the lives off loved ones because the patient finally received the care that they needed. Developing cures for diseases like this could affect millions of lives by themselves, but those three diseases are not the only ones they are trying to treat and they could affect millions more lives. Other diseases that researchers are attempting to find new treatments for are all types of cancer and AIDS. Stem cells have already been used to try to cure cancer and AIDs and it is showing promising results. The cells that they used treated and show promising results to making improved treatments, or even cures for, “...lung diseases; cancers; autoimmune diseases…” (Bishop 4) and many other diseases. If scientists could find cures for diseases like cancer then it would be an incredible breakthrough because it would save millions of lives, and it could prevent people from going through radiation treatments. Since there has already been promising results from tests then scientists may be close to discovering a cure for cancer, and this would change so

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