
Pathophysiology Personal Statement

Decent Essays

In search of new challenges and experiences, I moved to Los Angeles, California just a few weeks ago. And in the midst of this change, I began to write my personal statement. In the process, certain personal experiences came to mind that would eventually lead to my decision in applying for the residency in Internal Medicine. A few of these experiences are present in this statement.

Before beginning my university career, I imagined, with astonishment, the amount of knowledge and mysteries that housed the medical field. Soon, I realized that the knowledge of medicine was beyond my imagination, thus, increasing my admiration for the complexity of the human body. During my second year of medical school, I was fortunate to take pathophysiology with one of the most brilliant internists in my university. The subject left me fascinated, since it integrated the knowledge of the basic sciences in understanding the mechanisms of diseases. In the end, I wanted to continue being involved in the discipline, so I joined the Department of Physiology. I revised my previous courses and became a laboratory instructor of Physiology and Pathophysiology. This decision was decisive in my training because I discovered aspects of medicine that awoken my interest the most – basic sciences, analysis of clinical cases, suggestive diagnoses, treatment plans, and teaching activities. These interests were consolidated …show more content…

During the time I have spent on this new journey, I have met people from multiple schools and different cultures with different levels of training and career goals, but ultimately, all of which have a common desire to serve the patients – something I have found enriching in my

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