
Paul Laurence Dunbar We Wear The Mask Essay

Decent Essays

In the 1896 symbolic poem “We Wear the Mask,” Paul Laurence Dunbar suggests that people are apathetic to the pain and suffering of others making it easier for one to hide their troubles behind a mask than to confront them. In the beginning, Dunbar uses a spine-chilling tone as he describes the mask while utilizing strange diction to exhibit the deception and protection that the mask symbolizes. Dunbar continues his eerie tone and strange diction as he uses juxtaposition to show that despite the pain people feel the mask they wear gives them a smiling appearance because the world does not care to see people’s hearts in pain. In the middle Dunbar shifts to a sarcastic tone and somber diction as he asserts that the world does not care about the …show more content…

In the beginning, Dunbar uses a spine-chilling tone as he describes the mask while utilizing strange diction to exhibit the deception and protection that the mask symbolizes. Then uses juxtaposition to show that despite the pain people feel the mask they wear gives them the protection of a smiling appearance since the world is uncaring to internal pain. He begins the first stanza by utilizing strange diction as he chillingly asserts that the symbolical mask “grins and lies,” exhibiting that the mask is a necessary facade sustained by its wearers. This shows that the mask is a necessary evil to aid its wearers in smiling to the world despite the …show more content…

Dunbar, in his third stanza, juxtaposes the fact that the mask wearers are“sing[ing] despite the “vile” clay “beneath [their] feet”, exemplifying that although the mask wearers’ are struggling the mask still gives them a joyful facade. This shows that while the world is unconcerned with their struggles, the mask wearers still hide behind their joyful, misleading mask in order to protect themselves from the apathetic world. Dunbar then continues this metaphor by hopelessly juxtaposing that while the mask wears must take a “long” journey while walking on unpleasant dirt, the apathetic “world dreams otherwise,” showing that the uncaring world is ignorant and turns a blind eye to the mask wearers struggles. This further exemplifies that the mask wearers should hide behind the misleading, joyful mask in order to protect themselves from the apathetic world. Dunbar further reiterates the simplicity of one hiding behind the guise of a joyful mask because the world is uncaring and unsympathetic to their struggles at any

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