
Pearl Harbor: Movie vs Reality

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Pearl Harbor: Movie vs. Reality

“December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan” (Roosevelt). Japan surprise attacked the Hawaiian naval base, Pearl Harbor, approximately at 7:55 am. The intent of the Japanese strike was to prevent the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with plans to seize overseas territories belonging to United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the United States. War between Japan and the US was inevitable around the time of the attack. Everyone knew that sooner or later we would be in a conflict with The Japanese Empire for some reason or another since the 1920’s. It all started when the Japanese …show more content…

There are many more details where the Michael Bay decided to stretch the truth. For instance; when you’re watching the movie that is based in Hawaii, do you ever happen to notice that the island is lacking the natives of Hawaii? “One noticeable omission is the absence of native people on the Hawaiian Islands” (Biodrowski). The movie is based on a naval base but there are scenes that are off the base and the movie lacks the native Hawaiians. The ironic part about this all is that at the time of the attack Hawaii wasn’t even a US state. It didn’t become a state until 1959 eighteen years after the attack. “That Hawaii was not one of the United States at the time of the attack, and would not be until years after the war. In fact, one could perhaps not unreasonably make the argument that the American forces were the equivalent of Imperialist invaders, occupying the territory by force of arms” (Biodrowski). The writers and director of Pearl Harbor did, however, have some parts of history correct in their film. Steve Biodrowski states “that U.S. military intelligence should perhaps have done a better job of predicting the attack.” Which is very true and realistic because according to the book; Reflections of Pearl Harbor: An Oral History of December 7, 1941: “The Japanese government began transmitting a fourteen-part encoded message that reached those in charge in Washington, DC, just prior to the scheduled

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