
Performance Evaluation

Decent Essays

The Artist is Present
When I was told to watch a performance to write about, I had no idea where to go with watching something. I was stuck. But then I was thinking about it and thought, wait, what if I watch a performance art piece. It literally has performance in the name. This will work perfectly. I looked up some performance art beforehand, and to be honest, I wasn’t impressed with it and thought it was rather peculiar and a little inappropriate. With dabbling upon what I had looked up, I came across Marina Abramović. She caught my eye because of her way of talking. It is so unique and captivating that I couldn’t choose anyone else to watch and write about. If only there was a way to write this paper with the accent Marina has.
So, I chose …show more content…

Their collaboration of art and romance produced intrinsic and exquisite projects within the field of performance art. They traveled the world and did different pieces together. One, for example, was called “Rest Energy.” Marina was holding a bow and Ulay held an arrow that was placed on the bow. They pulled back on the bow and together supported each other with the arrow pointing straight at Marina’s heart. This proved the trust she had for Ulay but more so the metal capabilities Marina had to get through the all of it and not be freaking out or crying. She was dedicated and strong willed with what she …show more content…

She could make this performance because of the history she made for herself as an artist. But with the arise of this piece, there comes preparation of one’s mind and body. The focus of this piece was that the artist is quite literally present and sitting right in front of the single audience member. The piece was composed of two chairs facing in front of each other with a table in between. There, Marina sat across from one person, face to face. She and the other person, emotionless and still, looked at each other in the eyes. The audience member could stay there for however long but then would cycle through to the next person. For 736-hour and 30-minute, she did that. This was the piece she prepared for and made for her and the other person to truly see each other in a raw way.
It takes a lot of endurance to sit in the same position for that duration of time, but Marina gives her whole self to her art. She didn’t let a second of it distract her. The only time she moved was when Ulay arrived. Ulay made his way to sitting in front of Marina and joined in on this piece after the many years of them not seeing each other. At that moment, Marina reached out her arms. They embraced their hands and then Marina continued to the rest of the performance. After around three months, the piece came to an end with Marina fulfilling every minute of

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