
Pericles And The Acropolis In Context Essay

Decent Essays

Question 1: Place Pericles and the rebuilding of the Acropolis in context
Being born into one of the most leading families in Athens, Pericles was brought up in a very well off family. His father Xanthippus (meaning yellow horse) was known for his heroism in the Persian War also as a wealthy politician, which would have helped stem Pericles interested in politics from a young age having his father so heavily involved in politics. His mother, Agariste was from a culturally powerful Alcmaeondiae family which was also very wealthy. Due to his family’s wealth they could afford to educate Pericles and feed his growing interest in education, in fields such as Politics and Philosophy and music. Because of his high education he is known as one of the …show more content…

Pericles was part of the Upper Class, due to his wealthy and well respected family he was born into an Upper Class Society. To be considered Upper Class, you had to be wealthy and of great importance both of which Pericles was. A lot of the time many Upper Class men had jobs in the Military which also was what Pericles was. After the Upper Class there was Middle Class, most middle class men had stable jobs and could vote and own their own land, although the men themselves and their own families were not considered important like the Upper Class families and they were not wealthy. Most Athenian Citizens were considered to be in the Middle Class. Lower Class men were very poor and were probably once slaved but were now free men. They were not considered Citizens like Upper and Middle Class Athenians were, they also had very little freedom of speech and political opinion. Slaves were at the bottom of the Social Chain, slaves were very common in Athens even in Lower class families they owned slaves, in the Upper class families the average amount of slaves per household was 50, whereas Lower Class families only owned around 2-3. Slaves were often prisoners of war and were treated unfairly, they were owned and were not considered equal to their owners. Women had a

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