
Period 2 Study Stress

Decent Essays

Period 2

Study Pressure Teens are feeling more and more stress from school and parents to get good grades and do well in school. For some studying and having homework 4-5 hours every night can be extremely stressful on those teens, it’s starting to become an epidemic. The concern is that teens are not having adequate health because of study pressure by parents and teachers. Experts say that this intense pressure will end up blowing up in the teens face emotionally, physically, and socially. Sleep loss, eating disorders, anxiety, cheating, or withdraw from hobbies and family are all forms of extreme study pressure. Stress can show physical symptoms as well. Stomachaches, rashes, sweat hands, dry mouth, and headaches are just some of the physical symptoms that can occur. There is a correlation between higher levels of depression and suicide from teens that feel that they are being stressed from school and parents. Teens may also abuse stimulants like coffee or prescription medicine. Teens may obsess over grades and not focusing on other things. Parents need to give kids a break and teachers might need to switch the way they teach or the homework that they give. …show more content…

Reducing stress can be accomplished by giving the teen some time to him or herself. Teens need space from everything and just need to do something that they enjoy can is a stress reliever. Teens and parents need to know what they can do to reduce stress. Another way is to nurture the child! They may really like math but thinks that history is a terrible subject and has a B. That’s a subject that the child can take home and get help from parents and math can be something that they can do by themselves because they like it so much. Set realistic expectations to reduce stress also. If your child is a B student, set B level goals. They will then sky rocket from

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