
Person Vs Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

When being an engineer problems present themself on a daily basis. Some are math problems which are to be expected, but some are ethical problems that can be even more difficult to solve. Fortunately for us we have the utilitarianism and respect for persons model which in most cases can either help or completely solve the ethical dilemma at hand.

The two most renowned ethics models for engineers, are the utilitarianism and respect for persons methods. These two methods have some similarities, but also have some distinct differences and flaws with how they operate from a case to case basis. First, I would like to discuss what the utilitarianism approach is. Utilitarianism favors in the overall good of each decision using a cost/benefit analysis …show more content…

The problem is this property has been owned by a family for 150 years! This is a classic case of utilitarianism vs respect for persons. For this reason I do believe we would get different results. Using the utilitarianism method, we would condemn the house saving the large majority of people using the connecting road 20 minutes of travel. On the other hand, using the respect for persons model, and looking at each person's individual goals they wish to pursue the connecting road would not be built as it doesn’t have the same level of impact towards each person as demolishing the house would towards the family. I would use the utilitarianism method if forced to choose one because saving thousands of cars a day 20 minutes of road travel would have a positive impact on the environment and a much bigger impact overall. While, this would be very upsetting to the family, they would still receive compensation and be able to relocate some place better for their family to help them furthermore pursue their …show more content…

But, with a little compromising from both sides I believe a middle way solution can be formed. The Jones family’s biggest concern is with maintaining their house which has been pass down from generation to generation. This time we use engineers to create the most efficient road possible without going directly through the house. Now, this still seems like the Jones family is getting the short end of the deal. But, if we are able to construct a few miles away from the house and still save at least 10 minutes this could still help both situations. First and foremost having drivers traveling less would be a plus for the environment. Also, the convenience of spending less time on the roads would be great for drivers. The compromise from the utilitarian perspective would be the extra 5-10 minutes on the road versus saving the full 20 minutes between the two cities. For the Jones family keeping the house and most of their property is a much better alternative to having the house condemned. Also in this scenario the family would get some money from the engineers buying some of the land. The major compromise for the Jones family would be giving up some of their property that they’ve had for generations. In this realistic alternative both sides ultimately get what they want without either side suffering

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