
Personal Narrative: A Life Changing Experience

Decent Essays

I just pulled in the drive way from a long weekend vacation. I unlock the trunk and find that my bags are not in there. Did I leave them at my hotel or the airport I thought to myself. Well I guess I'm heading back to the airport and see if they're there. I jumped into my small blue car and drove off. What I didn't notice whenever I left was my side door to my house was slightly open. I guess I'll deal with that when I get back home. I drove for at least an hour when I felt something shake underneath my car. I couldn't stop, I was in the middle of the highway at this point. I decided to keep going, I was almost to the airport. About 15 minutes later I arrived at the airport terrified what was underneath my car. I got out and looked underneath it and seen someone hanging on. They dropped on the ground and I seen that their face had been burned very badly. They crawled out and suddenly died in a split second. How could they of managed to hang on that long without dying? Dead laying there on the sidewalk I thought to myself who could of done this. I called 911 and reported this and stayed there until the paramedics got there. I let them handle that while I went inside and asked for my bags. I got the, and walked back outside and the cops were waiting for me to …show more content…

It was a long and tiring drive but I made it. As soon as I got there I got my bags and went inside. One strange thing was my door was locked this time. I didn't think nothing of it, maybe I had left it open while I was away. Or my sister came over to check up on the house. I got inside and found my lights turned off in my hallway and surely I left them on. Something strange is going on, i went al, around my house checking to see if anything else was o of place or out of the ordinary. I didn't see anything strange around the rest of my higher except the hallway and door. I went back to see the hallway light had been turned on this

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