
Personal Narrative: A Place Called America

Decent Essays

Walking, walking, and more walking. Today is the day that we begin traveling to Fiume to board a steamship to this place called America. My family doesn't have a lot of money so we can't afford a ride to the port. I only have one pair of shoes and they have many holes in them. We've walked for what seems like an eternity or at least to me. Today is very bittersweet. We're leaving the only place I've ever called home to live in a place we've never seen before. IM not ready to leave. I love Italy but I know it is no longer safe for me, my mom, and my dad. I'm only six years old but I'm old enough to know this could be all a lie. What if America isn't so amazing? What if we done make it? What if we get sent back? So many questions and not …show more content…

When me, my mom, and dad woke up this morning we push our way out to the deck to see what all the ruckus was about. And there stood what everyone dreamed of. Freedom. People were crying and hugging each other. It was so beautiful. Although this last week had been dreadful, it was worth it. We were about to of this cruel ship and into the land of the free. But first, we had to go through Ellis Island. Once we got to the dock, we were luckily the second family to get off the ship. We shuffled our way through the doors and then we had to leave all of our belongings in the baggage room to be inspected. Then there lies the beginning of a long rewarding process. We walked up the stairs and saw the longs grueling lines. We sat down on a bench and awaited our names to be called. I looked around and began crying, I can't wait anymore. That's all I've been doing for weeks and weeks. I sobbed and sobbed and my mom began to cry too. Hours later our names were called. We walked up to the desk and they asked us several questions and then they began a medical exam. The examined all of us faster than I could blink. Then from there we waited even more to get our legal inspection. We spent the night waiting and as soon as we woke up our names were called and they directed us to a desk. They asked us so many questions. I never thought it would end but it did. They told us my dad would have to stay for further inspection. We wanted to stay and wait with him but he disagreed. He told us to go on without him and we would meet him as soon as he finished. After he gave my mom some directions we went onto the next step. After the inspection we claimed our bags and they directed us down the stairs to what is called “The Kissing Post”. This is where families reunited, but sadly it would be a while until I would see my father

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