
Personal Narrative-After High School

Decent Essays

Dinner was ready. The food smelled had a strong scent of chicken, which was funny since it was fish not chicken, but Albert couldn’t eat. He raced off to his room with a platter of food. Albert is just too busy, and he had work to do. He looked down at the new set of problems he had to finish. “For some positive integers P, there is a quadrilateral ABCD with positive integer side lengths, perimeter P, right angles at B and C, AB = 2 and CD = AD. How many different values of P < 2015 are possible?” The answer was obvious, 31. Even if AMC10 allows you to have 75 minutes, he could get a perfect score in 45 minutes, which always led to a very boring 30 minutes. He quickly finished his practice problems, only taking 4 bites out of his dinner …show more content…

“Please welcome Jeremy to our school” Mrs. Hicupo announced. “Welcome to Mid L. school for gifted and talented.” the class answered in a bored voice. Math was a bore. Even more boring than reading instructions on how to read. Even if there was a new kid, he had better stuff to do. “We also need to figure out your partners for your project before next week ok?” Mrs. Hicupo reminded. Then the bell rang. It was Thursday, so there were after-school sports, and bullies. The bullies. The ones that pushed and shoved innocent kids around, dominating the halls and buses. Albert attempted to get to his locker quickly, but kids from everywhere started to pour into the hallways like water. Stampeding into the halls and running faster than a gazelle. He had to go plan B. That never worked. After getting to his locker and packing his stuff, he rushed past the talking crowds to the cafeteria, trying to exit through the small back door, which the bullies never found. Unfortunately, he met the Jimok group before even reaching the cafeteria. “Ha!” Kycky said, shoving him to the ground, “you’re not going anywhere!” The kids laughed. They were just trying to show that they rule. Jimok kicked him, but Albert quickly got up. “Get away from him, what did he do to you!” a new voice shouted. The bullies looked back, it was Jeremy, and Mr. Brickson. The bullies ran away quickly, keeping their head down, trying not to be seen. They were all cowards, they always ran away from all the adults. “Thanks” Albert said, then he rushed past the few people left behind and sprinted to his

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